西藏拉薩12天自由行 – 籌備及行程篇



其實我是超懶的旅人,太怕麻煩,很少會自己安排行桯。上次去尼泊爾全是友人用了一年時間安排,我半份力也沒出;跟著那次去柬埔寨進步了少少,算是出過兩分力。來到今次 (by the way, 三次地方都是佛敎國度,真是與佛有緣?) 我應會有再多些貢獻…. i hope!

這篇網誌主要是記錄下旅程安排的過程,收集得的資料或遇到的事: 繼續閱讀 “西藏拉薩12天自由行 – 籌備及行程篇"


Travel Tips:

  1. the plug adapter bought in HK doesn’t fit there. Save your money and just borrow from your hotel.
  2. wide angle lens is a must, esp for indoor shooting like in Museum and Cathedral
  3. It’s hard to get Russian Ruble 俄羅斯盧布 in Hong kong.  Suggestion is that just change US dollar or Euro and change to RUB from Airport or Hotel. Or you may simply take a card with you. ATM machine is everywhere in the city.
  4. Bare in mind that there is long distance between international terminal to domestic terminal in Moscow Airport with no shuttle, sure you have enough time to catch the inland flight.
  5. If you fly aeroflot, from HK to Moscow and then change inland flight to st pete. Airline will transfer the luggage for you, no need to pick up and carry it to domestic.

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