About this blog


2006年無聊身痕, 學人地self-host 個blog, 估唔到咁快就五年,眼翻archives, 自己其實非常inactive。應該係性格使然,我冇乜個鋪癮自揭私隱。其實blog 依個terms 係來自WEB LOG, 原意就係記錄Web activities,所以我除咗post 下video, share link, news 最多就係post相,真係好少寫自己,唔似其他人,將blog 當係私人日記, 將自己生活瑣碎, 感情煩惱, 就連疴屎唔出都想講晒俾全世界知!

到今日,有咗FACEBOOK後, Blogging 嘅熱潮已退卻不少,大家到轉到FB吹水。然而,我更覺得 blogging, esp self-host blog 意義愈益重大。

無錯FB, as a social network, 真係好方便同'朋友' 交流分享,但問題係,依種方便犧牲咗我地最重要嘅野 – ownership of the content – meaning that  所有photo, video, status update, comments or notes we posted on FB 都唔係屬於我地!!有一日當你想離開FB時,會發覺原來係無辦法取回所上載的內容 & 同朋友之間的對話。愈係active的用戶會發覺自己愈係難以離開。依個就係所有做Web 的人夢寐以求的stickiness。

所以今日我再revise 依個 page (like a project statement), hereby 我定位依個blog 係我的web content carrier,facebook or any other social network is just broadcaster。如果我想share任何野, 我會POST 係依個BLOG 然後先會轉載到Facebook。一句話 all in all, I own my WEB!!!





It's just another play-around blog, no promising how long it'd keep alive.